Washington DC em números

Washington DC em números Saiba tudo sobre a capital dos EUA neste raio-x que nós preparamos para você Fundada em 9 de setembro, ocupando um território de 177km², lar de 601.723 pessoas – o que a torna a 22ª cidade mais populosa dos EUA – que, com seus esforços diários, geram um PIB (Produto Interno…

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You want to party? Go to DC and Baltimore!

You want to party? Go to DC and Baltimore! Cities have vocation for joy. Discover the major festivals The sea breeze, the mild and welcomingclimate make Maryland and Washington DC the liveliest areas of the USA! How about passearmos by exotic festivals that take place there? Come with us! Hon is a term of endearment…

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Press: a DC’s symbol

As a country who defends freedom and the right to free expression, the United States has the press as one of its greatest symbols. As the nation’s capital, Washington DC has a central role in this scenario, with two historical newspapers: The Washington Post and The Washington Times. Let’s start telling this story by the…

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Washington DC Wine Tour

Washington DC Wine Tour Washington DC Wine Tour includes the Loudoun County wineries are among the best in the country. Loudoun County has some of the best wineries in the United States. At about 1 hour on a nice trip from Washington DC, the quiet county of Virginia’s interior holds true art-form wine, on one…

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Washington floresce em março

National Cherry Blossom Festival comemora chegada da primavera na capital A chegada da primavera deixa Washington cor-de-rosa, florescendo como as cerejeiras que chegam ao seu estado de beleza plena. Para comemorar a estação das flores, DC realiza o National Cherry Blossom Festival, maior celebração dos Estados Unidos para o período.A agenda do festival começa em…

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10 best restaurants in DC – Part 1

Plan your trip with this list created by the Washingtonian magazine Washingtonian magazine is well-known for its annual ranking with Washington’s 100 Best Restaurants. And just like last year, we brought in our blog the top 10 on the list, so you can set up your travel itinerary including these true gastronomic gems on your…

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