National Geographic has beautiful museum in DC

National Geographic has beautiful museum in DC City is the magazine’s hometown, famous for its award-winning photos Washington DC is the homeland of the National Geographic and the city in which the group has its most beautiful museum. Founded in 1888, Nat Geo is an illustrious daughter of the capital and nowadays opens its 129-year-old…

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J. Edgar Hoover Building: a casa da Inteligência

Construído no auge da Guerra Fria, quartel-general do FBI guarda semelhanças com um evento que os brasileiros conhecem bem ​​ A 6 minutos de distância da Casa Branca, o J. Edgar Hoover Building é o quartel-general do Federal Bureau of Investigation – ou simplesmente FBI, sigla que consagrou a maior agência de inteligência do planeta.…

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Tysons Corner Center: Where to Shop is an Experience

Tyson’s Corner is a shopping district, address of the famous Tyson’s Corner Mall. Several residential and mixed-use projects have emerged in this area recently, in an effort to further urbanization of the area. Tyson has easy road access to almost any point in the immediate suburbs of DC. Get to know a little more about…

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A big city has many characteristcs that make it difFerent from the others, since the quantity of inhabitants, tourists until infra-structure to keep this status. Washington is in this level, because besides being a crowded city and visited by many tourists, it must take care of both populations. That’s why it has many huge events…

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Baltimore: princesinha do mar

O apelido de Charm City (Cidade Charmosa) já dá uma ideia da proximidade entre Baltimore e um destino muito conhecido pelos brasileiros: o Rio de Janeiro. Para o bem e para o mal, a maior cidade do estado de Maryland tem muitos pontos em comum com a capital fluminense – e a visita vale tanto…

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Wine Tour: The USA in Your Cup

Wine Tour: The USA in Your Cup Loudoun County wineries are among the best in the country Loudoun County has some of the best wineries in the United States. At about 1 hour on a nice trip from Washington DC, the quiet county of Virginia’s interior holds true art-form wine, on one of the most…

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